Friday, July 08, 2005

The Trap of Convenience

Modern lifestyle offers us a lot of convenience. You don't have to travel by caravel in hardship for month such as what Columbus do to reach the New World, but a flight in jumbo jet just for several hours in a cozy seat will do. You can order you dinner by just dialing a number, you don't have to sweat to grind the wheat grain and then bake them. Copying books is much much easier compared to medieval time when the monks scribed laboriously night and day.

Those conveniences trap us into ignorance. We live only to pursue them. In pursuit of happiness is translated into pursuit of conveniences. We work hard only yearlong only to spend them all in an annual vacation. Life becomes meaningless, measured only by the degree of comfortability.

Convenience makes us dull, loose our ability to think critically. It binds us into ignorance, oblivion to the surroundings. In medieval era, it blinded the aristocrats, being lived cozily in their well protected castle. Now it blinds us who live cozily in an air conditioned room in the skyscrapers.

Behold you fools! The world is dying. Throw away all your conveniences! Wars, poverty, terrors, are everywhere in the world. They are not in your neighborhood do not mean they do not exist.

Just open your eyes, and most importantly your heart, look beyond. The information technology has given us access to those kind of informations. It is the time for the change, or it is going to be too late...


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