Thursday, April 27, 2006

Resistance to Change

There are only two type of people: privileged, and unprivileged. The privileged are the powerful one, controlling resource, and monopolizing the truth. The unprivileged are powerless, have no resource and the truth is forced upon them.

The history of humankind is a tug-of-war between the twos. Most of the time, the privileged win. But sometimes, at a very rare occasion, the unprivileged won. That time was recorded in many occasion in history, and usually it is a turning point that change the fate of many people. Such events were Magna Carta, American Revolution, French Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, Iran Revolution, etc. The table was turned, and the constellation of power changed.

There are no right or wrong in the time of revolution, it is just power struggle. The new force, when the time is ripe will take over the old force, and when the time has come, will be replaced again by another one. It is the law of nature, that things must change.

Changes took place at a slower pace than expected. The one in power will try as hard as possible to keep the power intact. It has a momentum that may not be easily deflected. Even the rotten Roman Empire took several centuries to finally perish.

That's why, according to my opinion, revolution's worst enemy is time. Only when the time is ripe, changes happen...


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